The AirPods story traces back to the iPod, where Apple’s first set of earbuds were introduced alongside the popular personal music player. The basic wired earbuds paved the way for the eventual development of AirPods, with the EarPods being bundled with the iPhone in 2007 and a 2012 redesign leading to the first-gen AirPods in 2016. Apple’s Vice President of Hardware Engineering, Kate Bergeron, explained the company’s journey in improving the fit of earbuds through the years, culminating in the upcoming release of the noise-canceling AirPods 4. The team faced challenges during the COVID pandemic, but ultimately succeeded in integrating active noise cancellation with the open design of the AirPods. The advanced technology in the AirPods 4, including the H2 chip and microphones from the AirPods Pro 2, allow for real-time monitoring of fit and updated noise-blocking algorithms. The development of effective ANC began with the AirPods Pro in 2019 and continued with the AirPods Max before being implemented in the third-gen AirPods. The improved shape and acoustic architecture of the AirPods 4 contribute to its enhanced sound quality and noise cancellation capabilities. The redesign of the case for the AirPods 4 not only slims down the accessory but also simplifies user interaction and provides enhanced durability.