HP unveiled the OmniBook Ultra Flip 14-inch, the first 2-in-1 AI PC, with features such as Intel’s 200V Core Ultra series processors and Microsoft’s Copilot+ capabilities. The device includes a 3K OLED display, haptic touchpad, and a dedicated AI engine. With a 2,880 x 1,800 touch-sensitive OLED display, the PC is only 0.59 inches thick and weighs 2.97 lbs, offering up to 20 hours of battery life and fast charging capabilities. The AI features include hand gesture support and automatic locking and waking. Once the Copilot+ update is available, added features such as live captions and AI image generation tools will be included. The HP OmniBook Ultra Flip 14-inch is available for purchase on HP’s website starting at $1,450.