Comedian and writer John Mulaney will host a live variety talk show on Netflix, announced in a post on X. The show may resemble Mulaney’s previous show, Everybody’s in LA, which streamed on Netflix for six episodes in May 2024. Mulaney’s production company will produce and he will be the showrunner, although no further details were disclosed. Netflix’s chief content officer Bela Bajaria praised Everybody’s in LA for its boldness and originality, stating that it showed what a weekly live talk/variety show could be on the platform. Despite Netflix’s reputation for canceling shows quickly, especially if they don’t attract a large audience like Jeff Goldblum’s Kaos, Bajaria hinted that the streamer is willing to make exceptions, as seen with Everybody’s in LA. Netflix has a history of sticking with comedians, even in controversial situations like with Dave Chappelle, possibly because comedy specials and talk shows are more cost-effective to produce compared to scripted series.