Fujifilm has recently launched its first sub-$1,000 camera in years, the X-M5, priced at $799 and featuring the reemergence of the 11-year-old “M” branding. Aimed at budget-conscious photographers or vloggers looking to upgrade from their smartphones, the X-M5 sacrifices a viewfinder to hit this price point but includes Fujifilm’s latest 26-megapixel X-Trans 4 CMOS sensor and solid video capabilities. With front and back control dials, a top setting dial with a new “Vlog” mode, and a film simulation dial for easy editing, the X-M5 should be user-friendly. The camera also boasts features like a fully articulating touchscreen, headphone and microphone ports, and impressive burst and video shooting capabilities. While lacking in-body stabilization and prone to overheating during long recordings, the X-M5 offers surround sound-like capture, a short movie mode, and up to 440 frames of battery life. Priced at $799, the X-M5 aims to attract buyers looking for a more affordable option compared to the X-T30 II.