Just in time for the 2024 US elections, the call screening and fraud detection company Hiya has launched a free Chrome extension called Hiya Deepfake Voice Detector that can spot deepfake voices. This extension “listens” to voices in video or audio streams and assigns an authenticity score, determining if they are likely real or fake. Hiya reports that third-party testers have validated the extension to be over 99 percent accurate, even able to detect AI-generated voices the model hasn’t trained on. The company claims it can identify voices created by new synthesis models as soon as they are released. Users have already tested the extension, confirming its effectiveness by assigning a deepfake label to suspected content, like an AI-narrated YouTube video. Hiya President Kush Parikh criticized social media companies for necessitating such a tool, expressing the need for individuals to be proactive in detecting manipulated content. The extension operates on a credit system, providing users with 20 daily credits to prevent server overload from excessive requests, particularly with the influx of manipulative AI content on social media.