Sonos has fulfilled its promise to expand TV audio swap capabilities for its new Ace headphones, launched in June. Previously limited to the Arc soundbar, this feature is now available for Ace owners to switch their audio with the Ray and both generations of the Beam starting Tuesday. With today’s Sonos app update, users can transfer audio from their TV to their headphones by pressing the content key on the right ear cup or using the app. This feature, now available on iOS and Android after initially being limited to iOS, supports spatial audio with Dolby Atmos for an immersive experience. Engadget’s audio expert, Billy Steele, praised the feature’s performance during the NBA playoffs on TNT, noting the enhanced clarity and dynamic sound. Once activated, the feature utilizes a Wi-Fi chip in the headphones to receive signals from the soundbar, while maintaining a low-energy Bluetooth connection to the user’s phone for controls. However, users must un-swap the audio to reconnect Bluetooth if a call interrupts their viewing experience.