Meta has canceled its plans for a long-rumored mixed-reality headset, known internally as La Jolla, that was set to rival the Apple Vision Pro in 2027. The decision came after CEO Mark Zuckerberg instructed employees at Reality Labs to halt work on the device following a product review meeting. The mixed-reality headset was said to feature ultra-crisp micro OLED displays, similar to those used in the Apple Vision Pro. A major factor in the cancellation was the high cost associated with the technology, with the team aiming to keep the price below $1,000. Additionally, slow sales of high-end headsets like the Vision Pro and Meta’s own Quest Pro may have contributed to the decision. Despite this setback, Meta is not abandoning VR and MR devices entirely and is eyeing the release of a more budget-friendly version of the Quest 3, as well as new AR glasses. CTO Andrew Bosworth emphasized that the company continually develops prototypes and makes decisions like this regularly. While the high-end headset concept may be revisited in the future, the focus for now is on shifting strategies, such as licensing XR software to third-party hardware makers. Potential partnerships with companies like Jio and LG fell through, but the company remains optimistic about the future of consumer traction in the space. The Quest 4 is expected to launch in 2026.