Google just unveiled the Pixel 9 Pro XL smartphone during its Made by Google event and, boy oh boy, is it a doozy. This is a larger version of the Pixel 9 Pro with the brand-new Tensor G4 processor and 16GB of RAM, designed for AI tasks and comes with a one-year subscription to Google’s One AI Premium Plan for unfettered access to Google Gemini. The camera system has been upgraded with a triple rear camera, 42 MP front camera, 8K algorithmically enhanced footage, and the addition of Super Res Zoom to videos. While the XL version is essentially a larger Pixel 9 Pro with slightly faster charging and a bigger display, the 6.8-inch Super Actua OLED screen stands out with true-to-life colors and a brightness level of 3,000 nits. Priced at $1,100 and available in obsidian, rose quartz, and hazel, the Pixel 9 Pro XL faces stiff competition from the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra. The comparison table reveals differences in pricing, dimensions, weight, screen resolution, SoC, RAM, battery life, cameras, and other specifications between the two smartphones.