Dell has recently released a new model of the XPS 13 laptop, designed for Microsoft’s Copilot+ AI PC program. This model features Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X Elite chip, making it an Arm-based laptop similar to the Surface Pro and Surface Laptop. With this new hardware, users can expect increased battery efficiency and faster AI capabilities due to the NPU. However, compatibility issues with older x86 apps may arise. The XPS 13 Copilot+ is a stylish and capable PC, but it may be slower than the Intel model at times and have average battery life. Despite some drawbacks, the XPS 13 Copilot+ offers fast performance for productivity tasks, a wide and comfortable keyboard, and a sharp display. On the downside, issues with emulated x86 apps, limited AI features, and below-average battery life are notable drawbacks. Priced starting at $1,300, the XPS 13 Copilot+ may be a solid choice for users looking for a powerful ultraportable laptop, but potential buyers should consider waiting for a potential refresh with Intel’s new Lunar Lake CPU for improved performance and compatibility.