At its latest Made By event, Google unveiled the successor to the Pixel Fold, now known as the Pixel 9 Pro Fold. The new device features a revamped design with the largest display on the market, part of the larger Pixel 9 family. It boasts the same Tensor G4 chip and AI features as the rest of the line, with some unique additions. The Pro Fold sports a 6.3-inch outside display and an 8-inch flexible screen inside, offering a stunning Super Actua Flex display. Google has slimmed down the phone to make it the thinnest foldable available, with a new camera module on the back. Despite using last year’s camera sensors, the Pro Fold offers better image quality than competitors. New features and AI tools include photo modes like Add Me and Video Boost, alongside features like Zoom Enhance and Pixel Screenshots. The device also introduces enhancements like Magic Editor tricks, Pixel Studio, and Pixel Weather, as well as Pixel Screenshots and ML-powered tools like Gemini Live. With increased RAM and storage options, the Pixel 9 Pro Fold delivers a compelling package for users seeking a convertible phone with top-notch screens, cameras, and software, all at a price of $1,800, $100 less than its competitors. Available for pre-order today and officially on sale starting September 4, the Pixel 9 Pro Fold comes in two colors: porcelain and obsidian.