Yesterday, Adobe unveiled its new Firefly Video Model, a generative AI model for video editing, alongside Generative Extend, a Premiere Pro feature. Today, Adobe teased experimental photo and video editing tools for PhotoShop and Premiere Pro, still in testing as part of Adobe’s “sneaks” previews with no launch dates confirmed. Among the nine features showcased, Project Perfect Blend enhances natural blending in images, while Project Clean Machine removes unwanted elements. Project In Motion transforms custom shape animations into video, and Project Know How authenticates video sources. Project Turntable rotates 2D vector art in 3D, Project Super Sonic generates sound effects, and Project Scenic integrates Microsoft Copilot for creating 3D scenes. Project Remix A Lot creates editable images in various shapes, and Project Hi-Fi converts sketches into high-quality images. For more information on Adobe’s latest Sneaks, visit Adobe’s YouTube page.