During Apple’s iPhone event on Monday, the tech giant unveiled the new iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Pro models, along with the Apple Watch Series 10 and AirPods 4. These devices will come with iOS 18 pre-installed when they hit shelves on September 20, eliminating the need for immediate updates. Older iPhone users will be able to download iOS 18 for free starting on September 16, although not all iPhones will be compatible with the new software. Some models, like the iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, and iPhone X from previous years, will not support iOS 18. However, for those with compatible devices, Apple’s latest software features, including Apple Intelligence, will be accessible next month. The new features include a Passwords app, an improved Messages app, an organized photos library, and a personalized home screen layout. Additionally, iOS 18 will offer updates to key apps like Maps, Calendar, and Safari. As for other Apple devices, such as MacOS Sequoia, iPadOS 18, WatchOS 11, and tvOS 18, their software updates are scheduled for release on September 16. The AirPods Pro earbuds will also receive new firmware to align with iOS 18 features, while Apple Intelligence will not be available in EU countries initially.