When Elon Musk unveiled Tesla’s robotaxi, the Cybercab, earlier this month, he displayed a slide that resembled scenes from Blade Runner 2049, which has now resulted in a lawsuit from a producer of the movie. According to The New York Times, Alcon Entertainment accused Musk of using AI-generated images replicating scenes from the movie without permission, connecting the product announcement to the Blade Runner brand in an attempt to attract a global audience and sell Teslas. Alcon claimed that this association resulted in a financial impact on the company as it is in talks with potential automotive partners for its upcoming television series, Blade Runner 2099. The lawsuit insists that Musk was aware of Alcon’s refusal to use imagery from the film and proceeded with the unauthorized incorporation, labeling it as a “massive economic theft.” Alcon further criticized Musk’s behavior, pointing out his controversial statements and past instances of spreading misinformation. By allegedly copying one of the most iconic images from Blade Runner 2049, Tesla faces legal consequences for its questionable actions during the Cybercab event.