Intel has introduced the Arc A760A, a discrete GPU for cars aimed at bringing the “triple-A gaming experience” to vehicles, though no partners have been announced yet, with plans for the new chips to hit the market by 2025. The focus on in-vehicle entertainment prompted Intel to develop these chips for AI-powered cockpit experiences, enabling control of multiple high-definition screens, cameras, and interactive features, alongside running demanding gaming titles, entertainment, and productivity apps. The system is personalized for the driver, implementing natural language processing, accurate vehicle-related responses, and interactive conversations to enhance the driving experience. Intel has designed over 500 features and AI apps for cars in collaboration with independent software vendors, ensuring compatibility with its iGPU PC platform and various vehicle tiers. Seeking to expand its partnerships in the automotive industry, Intel is moving beyond quality-control and financial challenges with recent PC chips by diversifying its offerings with the A760A GPU for cars. This article may contain affiliate links that help support our content.