The United Nations’ Environmental Program has released a new report with dire news about our odds of avoiding climate disaster due to greenhouse gas emissions. The assessment predicts a temperature increase of 2.6 degrees Celsius or more over the course of this century based on current international commitments. UN members must submit their Nationally Determined Contributions before the COP30 conference in Brazil next year, aiming to limit global temperature increases to 1.5 degrees Celsius as set by the Paris Agreement. The report emphasizes the need for increased deployment of solar and wind energy technologies to reduce emissions, as well as action on forests. International collaboration, government commitments, and financial contributions are crucial to meeting the 2-degree or 1.5-degree goals. This warning is not new, as similar stark warnings have been issued in previous annual reports and echoed by other findings, such as the revelation that 57 companies are responsible for 80 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions.