Microsoft announced the new release date for the Windows Recall feature, which stores a timeline of activity snapshots on your PC, after initially delaying the launch due to blowback from security researchers. The company revealed that Recall will roll out to beta testers using Copilot+ PCs in October. This feature serves as a photographic memory for your PC activity, allowing you to revisit past products, emails, documents, or chats shown on your screen. However, privacy and security concerns arose because Recall’s data was left unencrypted, potentially exposing sensitive information to intruders. In response to these issues, Microsoft added security features like making the feature opt-in and requiring Windows Hello for decryption. The company plans to release Recall through the Windows 11 Insider Program in October, available for CoPilot+ PCs with compatible chips like Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X Plus and Snapdragon X Elite.