The original PlayStation console, also known as the PS1, was released in Japan in late 1994, approaching its 30th birthday. To celebrate, Sony unveiled redesigned versions of the PS5 and upcoming PS5 Pro with a nostalgic look reminiscent of the classic gray colorway and old-school logo. Gamers from the past will find it hard to resist these retro-designed consoles. The thoughtful redesign includes the updated DualSense controller, retro-style accessories like cable ties and a vertical stand, all packaged in a vintage-themed box. Two bundles are available, one with the digital version of the console and another with additional goodies like sticker, poster, and a PlayStation paperclip. Preorders open on September 26 with a release date of November 21, and only 12,300 PS5 Pro retro consoles will be made, so quick preordering is advised due to potential high pricing.