Qualcomm has canceled its Windows on ARM PC dev kit, also known as the Snapdragon X Elite Developer Kit, with refunds being issued, sales discontinued, and support halted, according to reporting by The Verge. Originally set to ship in June, the kit was delayed and ultimately scrapped due to quality control issues, failing to meet Qualcomm’s standards of excellence. Some units had already been sent out to consumers but will all be refunded. The decision to cancel the product, which was intended to launch alongside the first Copilot Plus PCs in June, was not explained by Qualcomm. Developer Jeff Geerling received and reviewed the kit, noting its shortcomings such as a lack of Linux support and missing HDMI port. Speculation suggests that the HDMI port issue caused production delays and contributed to the cancellation, prompting Qualcomm to plan on shipping the dev kit with a USB-C to HDMI dongle instead. Despite the cancellation, the kit was intended to assist developers in porting apps to Windows on Arm, aligning with Microsoft and Qualcomm’s push for app readiness on Snapdragon X Elite laptops.