Sony took a unique gamble with the design of their open-design earbuds in early 2022, initially releasing the LinkBuds S followed by a more “traditional” set, the LinkBuds S, a few months later. Now, the company is expanding the LinkBuds line with three new options – the LinkBuds Open, LinkBuds Fit, and LinkBuds Speaker, each offering distinct designs and features. The LinkBuds Open have been redesigned for improved comfort with a new fitting supporter and smaller size, while also featuring a new ring driver and upgraded earbud chip for enhanced audio quality and connectivity. The LinkBuds Fit, a successor to the LinkBuds S, prioritize fit and comfort with new ear tip designs and active noise cancellation technology. Additionally, Sony introduces the LinkBuds Speaker, a portable Bluetooth speaker with an Auto Switch feature for seamless audio transitions between the speaker and compatible Sony earbuds. The new Sound Connect app replaces the previous Headphones Connect app, providing a modern interface with unique features like voice control and head gestures for the new LinkBuds models.