Telegram’s CEO, Pavel Durov, announced a policy change stating that the messaging app will now provide IP addresses and phone numbers of users in response to legal requests, a departure from their previous reputation of non-responsiveness to such demands. Alongside this, Telegram is introducing moderation measures, utilizing AI and a human moderation team to filter out “problematic” content in search results. Durov encouraged users to report unsafe content for removal. The impact of these changes on the app’s popularity, particularly among those engaging in illicit activities or law enforcement efforts, is uncertain. While the disclosure of IP addresses and phone numbers might aid in tracking user activities, Telegram offers various privacy features like disappearing messages and end-to-end encryption. Despite these adjustments, the service emphasizes its commitment to user privacy, boasting zero sharing of user messages with third parties. Notably, Durov faced legal trouble in August in France over activities on Telegram, which he has denied.