JBL has unveiled its latest set of Tour Pro earbuds, packed with features and accompanied by a smart charging case introduced with the previous model. The Tour Pro 3 earbuds come with caller ID, media file info, music playback controls, and a second-gen smart case that acts as a wireless audio transmitter, allowing for a direct connection with lower latency and more stability than Bluetooth. This feature enables users to leave their Bluetooth dongle at home when traveling and plug the case into any USB or analog source to send audio to their earbuds. Additionally, the earbuds offer Auracast support, spatial 360 audio, head tracking tech, and a hybrid dual-driver system for enhanced sound quality. The ANC technology provides True Adaptive Noise Cancellation 2.0, adapting to environmental changes and compensating for sound leakage. The earbuds will be available on September 22 for $300.