Ten years ago, the Reaper of Souls expansion completely reimagined and revived Diablo III, strengthening its foundation and extending its lifespan. However, Diablo IV initially fell short of its full potential at launch, leaving players feeling unsatisfied. With the upcoming Vessel of Hatred expansion, Diablo IV has seen significant improvements, introducing a new region, Nahantu, and a new class, Spiritborn. Spiritborn is a close-range fighter with skills inspired by four Spirit Guardians, offering unique gameplay experiences. The Den, a quartet of mercenaries, adds companionship and customization options, enhancing the player’s journey in a bleak and oppressive world. Other features in Vessel of Hatred include Runewords, a stat crunch, and a new difficulty system. Blizzard continues to respond to player feedback, making necessary adjustments and improvements over the past year. Ultimately, Vessel of Hatred presents a compelling reason for players to return to Sanctuary and experience the evolving world of Diablo IV.