A concerning report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) expresses serious concerns about the future of America’s space exploration agency, NASA. Written by a panel of aerospace experts, the report highlights a possible “hollow future” for NASA due to underfunding linked to declining national emphasis on aeronautics and civil space. NASA acknowledges these financial challenges, but the report also delves into issues beyond funding, such as short-sighted measures, inefficient business operations, talent drain to private aerospace companies, and inadequacies in engineer training due to underfunded public schools. The report warns that NASA’s infrastructure is already surpassed its design life, raising the specter of more serious problems ahead. Lead author Norman Augustine cautions that reliance on the private sector could further deplete NASA’s workforce, potentially reducing its role to mere oversight. While Congress could provide more funding to address these issues, the likelihood is low given ongoing struggles to prevent government shutdowns. Augustine suggests NASA focuses on prioritizing strategic goals and initiatives to navigate these challenges effectively.