Neva is a faultless game that combines the elements of a living fairy tale with exquisite swordplay and intuitive platforming. The story unfolds in dreamlike scenes of natural beauty, following the bond between the protagonist Alba and her wolf companion Neva as they navigate a world overtaken by darkness and monsters. Through gameplay, Alba’s abilities evolve purposefully with each new stage, reflecting the theme of parental love and growth. The mechanics of the game forge a deep emotional connection between Alba and Neva, culminating in a sense of fighting the darkness as one. The stunning world of lush forests and sun-drenched valleys is being consumed by an ink-black decay, requiring Alba and Neva to save their land. The game is divided into four seasons, with Neva’s abilities growing alongside her development. Mechanically, Neva offers a light and responsive platforming experience, encouraging players to fight up close with precise movements. The bond between Alba and Neva is tangible during battles, highlighting the emptiness felt when they are separated. As the game builds to an emotionally intense conclusion, Neva blends magical realism with familiar landscapes and anime-smooth animations, making for a truly beautiful and powerful gaming experience.