The Terrifier franchise, featuring the terrifying antagonist Art the Clown, is currently experiencing a surge in popularity. Following the successful opening weekend of “Terrifier 3,” which grossed over $18 million, game publisher Selecta Play has announced the development of a Terrifier video game scheduled for release next year. Titled “Terrifier: The ARTcade Game,” the indie studio Relevo is styling it as a classic beat ‘em up game, showcasing a blend of gory and humor with colorful pixel art and excessive blood spatter. Players can take on the role of Art the Clown and wreak havoc on movie sets where films about him are being made, with the option for local multiplayer modes. Available for PC, PS5, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox upon its release in 2025, this game is set to immerse fans in the world of Art the Clown like never before.

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