Apple is pumping the brakes on some of its updates to the Photos app in iOS 18, making changes on Monday to address user feedback. The pared-down version can be found in the software’s fifth developer beta, which app makers can install today. The biggest change is the removal of the Carousel from the Photos app, a feature that used “on-device intelligence” to aggregate what it thought was your best content, now gone to clean up the app. In addition, Apple tweaked the All Photos view to show more of the photos grid, added Recently Saved content to the Recent Days collection, and made albums easier to find. The changes were pitched as a pillar of the 2024 software update, aiming to make the app more customizable and streamlined. However, some users expressed dissatisfaction with the changes, critiquing the app as unnecessarily bloated. Time will tell if these updates can improve the user experience before the fall launch of iOS 18 to the public.

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