Bluesky has launched a bold new strategy on Threads to attract potential new users, capitalizing on the surge of complaints from frustrated users regarding Meta’s policies. The complaints, especially about engagement bait and moderation issues on Threads, have escalated recently, prompting Meta exec Adam Mosseri to address the concerns. Bluesky, a decentralized service with a different approach to algorithms and moderation, created an account on Threads and positioned itself as an alternative platform for dissatisfied Meta users. This move has generated significant buzz on Threads, with “Bluesky vs Meta moderation” becoming a trending topic. The company’s flexible content moderation approach, empowering users to make decisions about the content they see, stands in stark contrast to Meta’s stringent moderation tactics on Threads. While the impact of Bluesky’s increased visibility remains uncertain, the platform’s user base has experienced growth, indicating a potential shift in the social media landscape.