The Sleep Room in The Outlast Trials is inspired by the real-life space at McGill University’s Allan Memorial Institute in Montreal, where from 1957 to 1964, doctors conducted mind-control experiments as part of the CIA’s MK-Ultra initiative. Led by Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron, patients endured electroshock therapy, sensory deprivation, and psychedelic drugs. Patients like Linda MacDonald and Robert Logie suffered severe psychological and physical damage. The Outlast Trials, created by Red Barrels, explores themes of government-backed inhumanity, religious manipulation, and capitalistic greed in a cooperative horror experience set in the secret Sinyala Facility. Players, known as Reagents, navigate maps like an orphanage and police station, facing off against monstrous villains while striving to escape. The game launched in early access in 2023, offering new content, missions, and mechanics regularly while engaging with dark and true stories to create a gripping horror experience.

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