The exclusivity period for Qualcomm’s Copilot+ PCs is coming to an end, as Microsoft announced that Intel’s new 200V processors and AMD’s Ryzen AI 300 series chips will introduce Copilot+ AI capabilities starting in November. These AI PCs offer features like Live Captions, Cocreator in Paint, Windows Studio Effects image editing, and AI tools in Photos, including Auto Super Resolution for gamers. Microsoft’s Recall feature, a searchable timeline of PC activity, will also be included in these PCs, with a revised version set to roll out to beta testers in October for enhanced security. Intel’s 200V series processors, equipped with up to 48 TOPS for AI models and tools, are claimed to be the most efficient x86 processor ever with lower power consumption. Microsoft confirmed that Intel’s new chips will support Copilot+ as a free update in November, while AMD’s chips will also receive Copilot+ features. The initial batch of Copilot+ PCs, powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X Elite chip, included devices from Microsoft, Acer, HP, Lenovo, Samsung, Asus, and Dell.

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