Playing The Sims, the virtual life simulator created by sim game maven Will Wright, has always given its players the feeling that they can control life and death. A new expansion for The Sims 4 takes that concept even further with the Life & Death pack that launches on Halloween. The Life & Death expansion pack will take the world of Sims to a new plane of existence, introducing new career paths, neighborhoods, haunted items, and achievements about living life to the fullest until you die. The biggest addition is a new suburb called Ravenwood with three new neighborhoods to explore, including Crow’s Crossing, Whispering Glen, and Mourningvale. Players can commune with the souls of the dead, make wishes with ancient shrines, and explore a cemetery. The expansion also includes new achievements focused on living a full life, allowing Sims to come back as ghosts to complete unfinished business. Additionally, there are new career paths in the expansion, such as becoming a mortician or a soul reaper. The Life & Death pack can be pre-ordered for various gaming platforms and includes creepy collectibles for those who pre-order.

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