The upcoming sequel to the 2020 PlayStation hit Ghost of Tsushima, Ghost of Yōtei, is set to release on PlayStation 5 in 2025. This new installment follows a fresh protagonist named Atsu, exploring the lands surrounding Mount Yōtei in Ezo during the year 1603. The game takes place 300 years after the events of Tsushima, showcasing untouched grasslands, snowy forests, and sunlit ridges filled with wildflowers. The debut trailer hints at a unique cowboy influence in the music, as Atsu interacts with wild horses and encounters a wolf. Sucker Punch, the game’s developers, shared on the PlayStation Blog that Yōtei lacks the organized samurai clans seen in Tsushima, shaping the foundation of a new and original story for the sequel. This marks Sucker Punch’s first PS5-exclusive game, promising enhanced visuals, improved movement mechanics, and the introduction of new weapons in this exciting new setting.

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