Google’s Pixel 9 Pro Fold has arrived, evolving the company’s foldable phone formula from its debut a year ago with a bigger screen and Gemini AI features. Comparisons to its main competitor, the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6, reveal that the Pixel is slightly larger in size and weight, with a larger internal display. The Pixel boasts an 8-inch OLED Super Actua Flex main display compared to Samsung’s 7.6-inch AMOLED. Both phones offer OLED displays with rich colors and deep blacks. The Pixel has more RAM at 16GB and starts at $1,799, while the Z Fold 6 starts at $1,900 with a 12GB RAM option. The Pixel runs on the Tensor G4 chip, competing with the Z Fold 6’s Snapdragon 8 Gen 3. Despite improvements in foldable phone technology, these devices remain luxury items, pricing out all but the most affluent consumers in the market for high-end smartphones.

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