iFixit took apart Samsung’s Galaxy Ring, scrutinized its components and wrote its findings, which could make you think twice about buying the device. They warned that the Galaxy Ring is “100 percent disposable” meaning once the battery dies, the whole device becomes junk and isn’t designed to last more than two years. The website explained that it is impossible to replace the battery on smart rings like the Galaxy Ring without completely wrecking the device, as they can’t be non-destructively opened. They pointed out that the press connector used to attach the battery to the circuit board is sealed and not repairable, likely used by Samsung for their own convenience. Despite giving the Galaxy Ring a score of 80 in their review, they found it to be basic and expensive at $400, $100 more than its competitor. The Oura Ring, however, charges $6 a month for its software, which can add up over time.

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