The James Webb Space Telescope’s Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam) captured a supernova in a distant region 3.6 billion light-years away, displaying the explosion in three distinct images in one photograph, aiding in understanding the universe’s expansion. Researchers observed the galaxy cluster G165 for its high supernova rates, noting the distant Type Ia supernova created by an exploding white dwarf star, gravitationally lensed by a galaxy cluster, resulting in 3 images of the event due to different light paths. The trifold supernova images allow for calculations of the Hubble constant, pivotal in determining the universe’s expansion rate and history. Dubbed SN H0pe, the supernova provides hope for clarifying the Hubble constant’s value, conflicting measurements to date, with future observations expected to enhance accuracy. Wendy Freedman and her team reported a Hubble constant value of 75.4, adding momentum to understanding the universe’s evolution.

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