Game Freak, the developer of Pokémon, has confirmed that their servers were hacked in August, leading to a leak of internal materials such as source codes, early character designs, and plans for upcoming titles being circulated on social media. The leaked documents and images flooded platforms like Reddit and X after Centro Leaks began dumping the information. The leak allegedly includes source codes for past games, codenames for the Switch 2 and future Gen 10 Pokémon games, references to a Pokémon MMO, future movies, and a new anime series, as well as tons of beta character designs and concept art. In addition, a report on Moflin, an AI emotional support pet developed by Casio debuted during CES 2021, that is now available for pre-order in Japan. Furthermore, a concerning incident involving hacked robot vacuums hurling racial slurs and abusive comments was reported, and the need to remove 23,000 Redbox kiosks across the country due to their high energy consumption and maintenance costs was highlighted.