Proton’s password manager is gradually catching up with rivals like 1Password, known initially for its encrypted email and VPN services. The company added biometric authentication to its Proton Pass app, which came out of beta earlier this year and works with Touch ID on macOS and Windows Hello on Microsoft’s desktop OS. Biometric authentication allows users on a Pass Plus plan (and above) to quickly unlock the security app using their fingerprint or face without typing the login password every time, while free users do not have access to this feature. With a minimum plan costing $23.88 annually or $4.99 monthly, Proton is also introducing identities in its password manager to autofill forms with contact information in a click. The addition of dark-web scouring shows Proton’s dedication to building out its encryption-focused password manager, which launched in beta in early 2023. Identities are available for free users, and Son Nguyen Kim, Proton Pass product lead, states that these new features significantly boost productivity by enhancing security offerings and streamlining everyday tasks in managing digital lives. The features are available today in the Proton Pass app for Windows and Mac.

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