Samsung recently revealed its two latest entries in the FE series: the Galaxy S24 FE and Galaxy Watch FE LTE. These devices offer flagship-quality features at more affordable prices, packing in tools from the Galaxy S24 and Galaxy Watch, such as AI-powered photo editing and fitness tracking. The Galaxy S24 FE, starting at $650, boasts a 6.7-inch FHD+ Dynamic AMOLED 2X display, an Exynos 2400e processor, 8GB RAM, and a range of AI-powered features. The phone also includes advanced camera capabilities, AI features, and gaming optimizations. The Galaxy S24 FE will be available on October 3 in various color and storage options. On the other hand, the Galaxy Watch FE LTE, available starting at $250, offers LTE connectivity for calling and texting on the go, along with fitness and health tracking features. Both devices are set for release on October 3, with pre-orders starting today.