Originally published during Sundance 2024, this review of Seeking Mavis Beacon is being reposted now that the film is in theaters. The documentary follows two young Black women on a quest to find the original model for the iconic Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing software cover. Despite the revelation that “Mavis Beacon” was merely a marketing creation by white men from Silicon Valley, the real model, Renee L’Esperance, is discovered to have retreated from the limelight. Directors Jazmin Jones and Olivia McKayla Ross embark on a digital detective mission to uncover L’Esperance’s whereabouts, inviting viewers on an engaging journey filled with nostalgia and hope. The film captures the essence of Black representation in the tech world, resonating with those who grew up with Mavis Beacon as a guiding digital hand. Featuring a mix of investigative storytelling and personal reflection, Seeking Mavis Beacon appeals to a generation familiar with digital media while offering a fresh take on representation in the technology industry.

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