The Indie Horror Showcase event, celebrating upcoming nightmarish games from developers worldwide and hosted by indie publisher DreadXP, is returning on October 24. The streaming event will feature new indie horror games from DreadXP and third-party developers, with submissions open for anyone interested in contributing. Previous noteworthy games discussed during the event include titles like “Slay the Princess,” “Home Safety Hotline,” “Pneumata,” and “Janet DeMornay is a Slumlord (and a witch).” While no specific titles have been announced for this year’s showcase yet, submissions are open until September 16, promising announcements and trailers from various indie horror developers. One game likely to receive an update is “Paranormal Activity: Found Footage,” scheduled for release in 2026, leveraging the “found footage” format from horror movies for a gaming adaptation by DreadXP. The premiere time for this year’s streaming event has not yet been announced.

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