Apple’s seventh-generation iPad mini has finally arrived, featuring a faster A17 Pro chip, support for Apple Intelligence, more entry-level storage, and compatibility with the Apple Pencil Pro. The tablet maintains the same 8.3-inch screen size, 2266 x 1488 resolution at 326 ppi, and a 60Hz refresh rate, with no noticeable design changes. The A17 Pro chip allows for various Apple Intelligence features like smarter Siri, Writing Tools, Image Playground, and Genmoji. With increased RAM and 128GB base-level storage, double that of its predecessor, the new iPad mini also offers a 512GB storage option for the first time. Available starting October 23, the iPad mini 7 is priced at $499 for the 128GB model. Note: An update on October 15 corrected the chip information from A18 to A17 Pro.

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