The upcoming film The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim, a unique anime-style standalone movie set in the kingdom of Rohan before the War of the Ring, has been in production for three years and now has its first trailer. This project is a nod to Peter Jackson’s iconic films, with familiar designs from Edoras and Helm’s Deep. The trailer introduces characters like King Helm Hammerhand and his daughter Hera, hinting at a plot involving marriage and ensuing conflict. Directed by Kenji Kamiyama, the movie features voice actors such as Brian Cox, Gaia Wise, and Miranda Otto. Scheduled for release on December 13, this film is just the beginning of a series of Lord of the Rings projects, with Andy Serkis directing another film and Amazon preparing to premiere season two of Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power.

[Trailer can be viewed here:]

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