Three years after Google acquired Fitbit, the company has released three new smartwatches under the Pixel brand, including the Pixel Watch 3 at today’s Made By Google event. In contrast, Fitbit has not launched any new smartwatches since the announcement of the Sense 2 and Versa 4 two years ago, indicating a shift towards activity trackers. According to Engadget, it is confirmed that Fitbit will focus on minimalistic, long-lasting trackers in the future. In an interview with Sandeep Waraich, senior director of product management for Pixel Wearables, it was stated that Pixel Watches will be the main focus moving forward. The collaboration between Google and Fitbit teams in building Pixel watches combines Google’s AI expertise with Fitbit’s knowledge of heart-rate sensor data. While Fitbit’s brand remains valuable, the integration of Fitbit’s app and name in devices like the Pixel Watch has become deeply integrated at a system level. With the evolution of trackers and Pixel watches, the focus is shifting towards providing real-time guidance and personalized workouts through AI technologies like those found in Fitbit Premium. While a Fitbit-branded smartwatch may not be seen again, the shift towards AI-driven health coaching suggests a smart move for the company’s future.

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