Amazon Prime has released the official trailer for “Like A Dragon: Yakuza,” its live action adaptation of the action-adventure Sega game franchise mostly revolving around the yakuza Kazuma Kiryu. Unlike the teaser Amazon dropped in July, the trailer features a voiceover by Kiryu’s actor Ryoma Takeuchi, as well as voice dialogues by other cast members. The series is set across two intersecting timelines in 1995 and 2005 in the fictional town of Kamurocho, which is based on Tokyo’s Kabukicho. It will cover the events of the first Yakuza game, with some changes to the story, showing Kiryu and his friends planning a heist and his return to Kamurocho after being imprisoned for 10 years. The trailer gives a glimpse of the show’s unfolding story, showcasing fan favorite characters and intense action sequences in Kamurocho. Amazon is making the first three episodes of “Like A Dragon: Yakuza” available for streaming starting on October 24, with the last three episodes releasing on October 31.