The July update, Worlds Part I, for No Man’s Sky enhanced the game with more responsive waters to wind, depth, and weather conditions. After the update, an artist created fan art of their character fishing from the wing of their boat, inspiring Hello Games to add a fishing mechanic to the game. Many in the No Man’s Sky community have expressed a desire for a fishing feature, which has been fulfilled in the latest update called Aquarius. Aquarius introduces new fishing-centric features such as fishing with friends, setting up traps, and personalized platforms for deep water fishing. The update also includes a new expedition, Expedition 15, offering customization options like a deep-sea diving suit and a special fishing rod. Players can catch various types of fish, including rare ones that require baited traps, and can cook their catches using new recipes found throughout the universe. Hello Games plans to expand the fishing mechanic in the future, potentially adding more equipment, competitions, and species to catch. If you enjoy fishing mini-games, be prepared for hours of virtual angling with No Man’s Sky. Update: This article has been updated with more details on the Aquarius update and expedition unlocks.

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