A new six-episode spinoff series, Dune: Prophecy, dropped a trailer on the opening day of the New York Comic Con, serving as a prequel to the recent films directed by Denis Villeneuve. Premiering on HBO on November 17 at 9PM, each episode will be available for streaming on Max on Sundays after its TV broadcast. Based on the novel Sisterhood of Dune by Kevin J. Anderson and Brian Herbert, son of Dune creator Frank Herbert, the series explores events 10,000 years before Paul Atreides’ rise, focusing on the Harkonnen sisters Valya and Tula, portrayed by Emily Watson and Olivia Williams, who establish the foundation for the powerful women-led order known as the Bene Gesserit. With a cast including Travis Fimmel, Jodhi May, and Mark Strong, the show delves into the origins and ambitions of this influential group in shaping the universe.