Google recently announced a refresh of the Nest Learning Thermostat ahead of next week’s Made by Google event. The fourth-gen smart thermostat has been completely redesigned, with a larger 60 percent LCD display and a curved front that eliminates bezels. The new design allows for more personalization with customizable faces, similar to smartwatches. The thermostat also features integrated Soli radar sensors that adjust the display based on your proximity. Leveraging AI for accurate readings and energy-saving actions, the Nest comes with one wireless temperature sensor that lasts three years before battery replacement. The device is eco-friendly, with a recycled cobalt battery and plastic-free packaging. Pre-orders are open now, with shipments starting on August 20. Available in silver, black, and gold, the Nest Learning Thermostat costs $280, with additional temperature sensors priced at $40 or $100 for a three-pack.