Rumors surfaced last year about a potential collaboration between former Apple designer Jony Ive and OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, but details had been scarce. In a recent profile published by The New York Times, Ive confirmed that his company LoveFrom is spearheading the design of an AI product in partnership with Altman, with Tang Tan and Evans Hankey, former Apple design leaders, also on board. The project, housed in a San Francisco office belonging to Ive’s expanding property portfolio, involves a team of around 10 employees who are working on a product utilizing AI to create a less disruptive computing experience compared to the iPhone. Since Ive’s departure from Apple in 2019 to launch LoveFrom, the firm has focused on projects like a typeface and a red clown nose, with limited hardware releases like a $60,000 turntable. While anticipation for their AI product is growing, there is currently no set timeline for its release.

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