The day after Apple launched the iPhone 16, I finally had time to delve into the differences between the standard model and the iPhone 16 Pro. Aside from the color selections which include vibrant teal, pink, and blue options, the base model also features the new camera control switch. Both models now have similar controls, eliminating the need to opt for the Pro model for additional features. The iPhone 16 boasts updated cameras for spatial video and audio recording, including a new ultrawide camera and support for macro shots. The Audio Mix feature on the Pro model is enabled by four new studio-quality mics. Despite this exclusion on the base model, the iPhone 16 offers other upgrades such as ProMotion screens, improved camera hardware, and the A18 chip. Differences in GPU performance, build materials, and USB speeds are minimal between the two models, making the iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Pro a compelling choice with fun color options and significant improvements over their predecessors.

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