Telegram has quietly edited its FAQs to remove language stating that it doesn’t moderate private and group chats, as reported by CoinDesk. Previously, a section with the heading “There’s illegal content on Telegram. How do I take it down?” asserted that content in chats and group chats remains private. However, the updated section now explains that all Telegram apps have “Report” buttons for users to flag illegal content to the app’s moderators. Users can tap the message on Android, press and hold it on iOS, or send an email to with links to the content to report. This change comes after Telegram chief Pavel Durov’s first public comment following his arrest in France for his app’s lack of moderation and failure to curb criminal activities. Durov was charged with various crimes but defended Telegram’s commitment to defending users’ basic rights and transparency. Despite admitting to growing pains that allowed criminals to abuse the platform, Telegram aims to improve and address authorities’ accusations. This change in rules is likely part of their efforts to address these criticisms and regulations, as some EU officials believe Telegram has inflated its user numbers to skirt regulation.