During its 2024 iPhone event in September, Apple unveiled the new Apple Watch Series 10, which we recommend for most people after reviewing the new model. Rumors of a new Apple Watch Ultra 3 or a revamped Apple Watch SE did not materialize, leaving the official lineup as the Series 10, the Apple Watch Ultra 2, and the Apple Watch SE. Following the event, Apple released watchOS 11, unlocking new features for both the new model and older generations. The Ultra model is best suited for athletes with demanding training schedules, while the SE is a more affordable option, with a potential cheaper model on the way. For those looking for the best companion for their iPhone, the flagship Apple Watch is the way to go. The Series 10 boasts an S10 SiP chip, while the Ultra 2 features an S9 SiP and the SE relies on the S8 SiP. All models offer similar fitness tracking capabilities, but each has its own unique features, such as ECG readings in the Series 10 and Ultra 2. Prices range from $250 for the SE to $799 for the Ultra 2. Apple Pay, fitness tracking, Siri capabilities, and various display options are available across all models. Ultimately, the Apple Watch Series 10 is the top choice for 2024, with its larger screen, thinner design, and improved features setting it apart from the rest.

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